Kung Fu Panda

Clever, brave and strong, Po is in the house and ready for adventure!

The Panda, it's China's iconic national animal. Together with the nation heratige of Kung-Fu, and you get an icon for the younger generations on an international level, Kung-Fu Panda Po! Po can do al sorts of tricks and immediately catches everyones attention. He will challange those around him to try some Kung-Fu with him!Het nationale dier van China, de panda. Gepaard met de nationale schatkunst van Kung-Fu en je hebt het icoon van de jongere generatie op internationaal niveau, Kung-Fu Panda Po! Po kan allerlei trucjes doen en brengt direct leven aan de omgeving! Po zal je uitdagen mee te doen en met hem Kung-Fu te gaan doen.


Kung Fu Panda


  • Instantly recognisable!
  • Available for photo moments and other hosting activities.
  • Can perform small Martial Arts acts.